Hi fellow Orgers,

I've been using clock tables for some time now, and they are very
useful.  However, it has just occurred to me that I'd really appreciate
another feature - a "task table".  By this, I mean a table (generated
much like a clock table) with a summary of all tasks in a given
file/subtree/etc.: how many of them there are, how many are in any
state, maybe how many have scheduled times and/or deadlines, how many
are past their deadline...

Now, question 1: is there any feature in Org mode to make C-c C-c do
something when the point is on a line e.g. matching certain regex?  This
way I could extend Org mode to do that myself.

I peeked around and found out `org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c-hook', so that's that.
Pretty nice!  Although some functions allowing stuff like "substitute
the results for the block that follows" etc. might be also nice.

Question 2: am I the only one who would like to see such a feature?
Would someone like to code it?  (I /might/ be tempted to do that, but
it's kinf difficult: while I signed FSF papers some time ago, I've
changed jibs since then and I suppose I'd need to got through some more
paperwork to fix that; also, I'm not sure whether I really want to, and
whether my employer would be willing to let me.)


Marcin Borkowski

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