Bastien et al, > On Dec 29, 2022, at 8:00 AM, Bastien Guerry <> wrote: > > I think it would make sense to convert Elisp lists into R lists > directly. Jeremie, would you be okay with this? >
Perhaps there are some hiccups. The R `data.frame' type is a list with some added attributes. In that list each top level element is a *column* in the data.frame. In the elisp list produced by rendering a table as in `:var mydf=atab', each top level element is a sequence containing one *row* of the table `atab'. So if elisp lists are to be converted to R lists, ob-R will need to know whether the list came from a table to decide whether to render top level elements as list elements or as data.frame rows. --- There might be some useful applications for converting org lists to R lists and vice versa. But it looks like a significant amount of effort to get it right. Best, Chuck