
> With an org file like
>    * h
>    #+begin_export ascii
>    foo
>    #+end_export
> putting the cursor on 'foo' and doing
>    M-x org-up-element
> brings the cursor on '* h'.  Same with the following blocks:
> ‘#+begin_comment’ ... ‘#+end_comment’
> ‘#+begin_example’ ... ‘#+end_example’
> ‘#+begin_export’ ... ‘#+end_export’
> ‘#+begin_export html’ ... ‘#+end_export’
> ‘#+begin_export latex’ ... ‘#+end_export’
> ‘#+begin_src’ ... ‘#+end_src’ (I tried org and lisp)
> ‘#+begin_verse’ ... ‘#+end_verse’
> But for those two blocks:
> ‘#+begin_center’ ... ‘#+end_center’
> ‘#+begin_quote’ ... ‘#+end_quote’
> the cursor is moved to the beginning of the block instead, which I
> find strange.

This is to be expected. Center blocks, Quote blocks, and special blocks
are "greater elements", which can directly contain other Org elements
inside. Thus,


is interpreted as

(center-block (paragraph))

So, `org-up-element' with point at paragraph will move to parent

In contrast, comment/example/export/src/verse are "lesser blocks", which
cannot contain other Org elements inside - their contents is taken


is interpreted as


with point at "Text", current element is comment-block, and its parent
is headline in your example.

> Incidentally, is there a definition understandable for the basic user
> of what an "org element" is?  I could not find one after a (quick)
> Internet search, not even in

Also, see

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode contributor,
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