
in org you can have inline verbatim and code text elements like this.

    Example with =verbatim= and ~code~.

I would like to understand what "verbatim" really means. What is the
semantic behind it? What content should go in there?

I'm aware of the separation of content and its presentation.
I'm also aware of the different renderings in my Emacs. Booth are
monotype but with different colors.

The org html export to create both with <code> tag. So in HTML output
there is no difference between verbatim and code anymore.

I also read a lot about the HTML tags code, pre, kbd and samp.

I wonder that maybe I totally misunderstand the intention of

The background of my question is that I have my own
org-to-html-converter [1] and try to decide how to treat =verbatim=.
Which HTML tag should I use.


[1] -- <https://codeberg.org/buhtz/hyperorg>

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