I would like to make drawers look fainter and smaller. I have this mostly working, with this:

(face-spec-set 'org-drawer '((t (:foreground "dim gray" :weight normal :height 
(face-spec-set 'org-special-keyword '((t (:foreground "dim gray" :weight normal 
:height 0.9))))
(face-spec-set 'org-property-value '((t (:weight normal :height 0.9))))

But then there is this case:

CLOCK: [2023-01-04 Wed 14:05]--[2023-01-04 Wed 17:33] =>  3:28

Here LOGBOOK and CLOCK are smaller, but the timestamps are full size. (This won't come across in plain text email, of course.)

describe-char there tells me the timestamp has the face org-date. Is there a way to make org-date smaller when it's in a drawer? I don't want to make a global setting for it, because I often use dates in headings.



William Denton
Librarian, artist and licensed private investigator.
Toronto, Canada

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