William Denton <w...@pobox.com> writes:

> On 5 January 2023, David Masterson wrote:
>> With the Org files that you create, how many levels of headers do you
>> use?  I use Org for personal task management mostly, but I'd like to
>> produce good PDFs to give to my wife (Org is too complicated).  My
>> problem is that I'll structure my documents with many (5+) header
>> levels with tasks at the bottom.  The problem is that the 'article' and
>> 'report' document classes used by Org don't look right if you go beyond
>> 3 levels -- if you know what I mean.  (NOTE: LaTeX newbie)
> By default the first three levels go to LaTeX headings, and then after that 
> they 
> become lists.  You can change that with the H option in a header, as 
> described 
> here, to set org-export-headline-levels:
> https://orgmode.org/org.html#Export-Settings
> So you could say:
> #+options: H:5
> Level four headings become paragraphs, and level five become subparagraphs.
> With that in place, you might like how the titlesec package can give a great 
> deal of control over section headings.  I use this for some reports---it 
> wraps 
> text around level three headings, which about as far as I usually go for 
> documents I export.
> #+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage[]{titlesec}
> #+LATEX_HEADER: \titleformat{\section} {\centering\Large}{\thesection}{}{}
> \titleformat{\subsubsection}[drop]{\itshape}{\thesection}{}{}{}
> #+LATEX_HEADER: \titlespacing{\subsubsection}{0.75in}{\baselineskip}{0.5in}

This looks interesting -- now to find some time to dig in.  Thanks.

David Masterson

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