* Max Nikulin <maniku...@gmail.com> [2023-01-14 10:14]:
> Let's assume <2023-01-15 Sun 09:00 +1>
> It may be suitable for timestamps in the past, but future is more tricky.
> There is no problem if you are going to watch Lunar eclipse. However if your
> plan is to attend a local event there is a chance that you will arrive at
> wrong time. Sometimes offset of timezones is changed and it may happen
> between the moment when you added a scheduled time and the moment of the
> event.

Can't follow you.

with "+1" I would say it is time zone.

Basic point is that users shall learn to express themselves by using
time zone.

That may be set as global property, which could be enough for Org file
to be mobile, that Org file may be conclusively understood in any
other time zone of the world when some specific thing happened.


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