> Getting the rules and explanation clear is the issue.  It's a mistake
> that a great many people make with scheduling meetings.  Those two
> behaviors need different encodings because they behave differently.

This is related to why I suggested splitting timezones and offsets into
two separate categories. I think we have to assume that the written
content of timestamps in an org file cannot/will-not be changed

Therefore if the timezone is specified then the numbers will never
change, but the actual time might if the timezone spec changes.

If an offset is used then it will not account for changes due
to DST, but it will always remain stable, shuffling a meeting an hour
one way or the other at some points in the year, which is usually
undesirable compared to say, shuffling a meeting 1 hour in one
direction for people who are not in the defining timezone for the
duration of the mismatch between DST changes in different regions.

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