Dear All,

first of all, sorry for replying that late.

On Tue, 20 Dec 2022 at 11:46, Christian Moe <> wrote:
> Arbitrary sexps would give us more flexibility. Alternately, one could
> achieve more or less the same by letting :filter collect any additional
> arguments and pass them as &rest to the user's predicate function,
> something like:
>   #+PRINT_BIBLIOGRAPHY: :filter bibitem-lang-p nb nn no :type article

I like this proposal a lot -- it seems to strike a good balance with
regard to safety and flexibility.
I'll try to make the required changes on the citeproc-el side and then
propose a patch here.

> Alternatively, I think there is a case for adding a user-friendly
> :language property to the print_bibliography keyword. On my bookshelf it
> vies with primary/secondary sources as the most common criterion for
> separate bibliographies.

> I was going to say that this is the only extension I can think of that
> is needed beside :(not)(csl)type and :(not)keyword, but of course people
> are sooner or later going to want easy-to-use properties to filter by
> author, publication date ranges, and probably other criteria I cannot
> think of right now, so it's a strategic decision for the maintainer(s)
> if you want to go that way. :-)

this is also a useful suggestion, although with the added difficulty
of having to support both
bib(la)tex and csl-json, which use, I think, different sets of language codes.

best wishes,

> Yours,
> Christian

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