* AW <alexander.will...@t-online.de> [2023-01-22 21:49]: > Isn't this rather important? How many users of orgmode get TODOs via E-Mail > and need an efficient way to come back from the TODO to its origin?
Absolutely! There are many uses apart from tasks, there are attachments. Legally is better not to delete attachment from e-mail to keep it as evidence, and references to document in the e-mail are useful. It seem as a "forgotten" and lacking feauture in many software. From: TECHNOLOGY TEMPLATE PROJECT OHS Framework : https://www.dougengelbart.org/content/view/110/460/ **** Dynamic knowledge capture, integration, management Automated capture, indexing and cross-referencing, integrated email, journal/library, intelligence collections; utilities for repository management Sadly software designers do not follow successful principles, they tend to follow personal or individual demands, and we get some use of it, though we could do so much more for people. - automated capture is missing in many software programs, as programs are tool centric, made to be "better" among competition, instead of integrating with competition. Example is Evince PDF viewer which does not have capture system. At least it has referencing system by page and query. While XPdf program has possibility to capture and reference in the same time. Many PDF viewers don't have system to capture page number, query, some have annotations usable only from inside of the tool, without providing integration to other applications. So it is with E-mail clients, they tend to be self-centric, not providing information in usable way to other applications. Would they do, there would be no such external tools like `mu' and `notmuch` for indexing, as any information would be already indexed and re-usable by other software (competition). In Emacs we have that option to remember position of a cursor in some specific file by customizing `save-place' option. That is miniscule example of automatic capture of piece of information such as location of a cursor, and with automatic referencing to that piece of information so that user get to that portion of the file or text where user was in last session. I think it should be by default. And so many text editors do not have that basic feature. It is good to keep filing feature requests to various software authors that they start implementing note capturing features. -- Jean Take action in Free Software Foundation campaigns: https://www.fsf.org/campaigns In support of Richard M. Stallman https://stallmansupport.org/