
I have the following org file example

#+LATEX_HEADER_EXTRA: \usepackage[scrpage2]{rcsinfo}
\emph{\fcolorbox{black}{yellow}{Rev: \rcsInfoRevision,}
\rcsInfo $Id: manual-matlab-git.tex,v 2716 2023/01/26 10:48:53 oub Exp oub $ 

Some text

And I would like to export that to LaTeX but I need 
the string 
$Id: manual-matlab-git.tex,v 2716 2023/01/26 10:48:53 oub Exp 

Unchanged, but I always obtain 

\$Id: manual-matlab-git.tex,v 2716 2023/01/26 10:48:53 oub Exp oub $ 

Putting it in a src block does not help since I obtain than the verbatim

Any idea what to do?


Uwe Brauer 

Warning: Content may be disturbing to some audiences
I strongly condemn Putin's war of aggression against the Ukraine.
I support to deliver weapons to Ukraine's military. 
I support the ban of Russia from SWIFT.
I support the EU membership of the Ukraine. 

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