
> >> 1. If compat.el happens to lack support of some function, we will need
> >>    to contribute to compat.el directly and synchronize Org releases with
> >>    compat.el releases.
> >
> > would a separate "org-compat.el" (in addition to compat.el) somehow
> > solve this?  (i worry about the synch'ing.)
> That's what we already do.
> Using compat.el means that we can remove some of the functions from
> org-compat.el and instead rely on compat.el where the same functions are
> maintained more carefully.

i see, yes.  i'm just thinking that, for a given release CUR (like i
know anything about org-mode release procedures!)  we would use whatever
has been available in compat.el since release CUR-n (for whatever n we
use -- 2?), and supplement that, in org-compat.el, with whatever other
compatibility features *we* (org-mode) need to support releases [CUR-n
.. CUR].

(and, presumably, contribute whatever might be appropriate from
org-compat.el to compat.el, so we can prune it out from org-compat.el at
some future point in time.)

i'm *only* thinking of trying to de-couple org-mode development from
that of compat.el, in the mindset that "less cross-dependencies" ==
"less complication".  if that makes sense.

cheers, Greg

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