tldr: carry on.  :]

On 2/4/23, Samuel Wales <> wrote:
> On 2/1/23, Ihor Radchenko <> wrote:
>> the best we can do is minimizing the breakage when designing the new
>> syntax
> as a small nit [followup is not needed as i do not want to distract
> from the big boys talking about quantum dst on pluto for timestamps
> with [axial precession change :[]*, or follow up, as i have given up
> on the topic of tz for timestamps :]]:
> it might be that i was not making a point for which it is entirely
> true that what you and everybody else is proposing, i.e. extending
> existing ts syntax for tz, is the best we can do, in principle.  :]
> what you said is true if you stick, for tz-using tses, with extending
> /existing/ ts syntax, as opposed to countenancing, for those tses, an
> extensible syntax that is also usable for ts-unrelated features and
> subfeatures so as to reduce proliferation of new, heterogenous, syntax
> as it will arise in future and has arisen for many years [i prefer
> less syntax], and other stuff like reusable infrastructure for
> semantics and parsing and display etc. and optional ability for users
> to extend syntax themselves readily without it being heterogenous but
> instead merely cl-style kw, and also if you don't take potential
> issues with compatibility with piles of regexps in 3rd party and
> personal code, including non-emacs, into account [not saying
> unreasonable].  etc.  never fear: i have given up on all of that
> completely.  at least for tz.  your syntax looks great and everybody
> seems delighted so i have no business butting in and cannot follow up
> for unrelated reasons in any case.  so just a nit.  this paragraph
> might be unreadable and in that case you can just ignore it.
> [*] i have read that global warming relates to earth axis precession
> change due to contemporary mass loss primarily in Greenland.  for all
> i know, also the origins of org coincidentally being due to an
> astrophysicist, this could affect tses.

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