Detlev Zundel <> writes:

> Hi orgmode-list!
> I currently have a problem while exporting org-babel blocks to html or
> latex output.  Even though I explicitely specify ':exports result' for
> the blocks, the exported document contains both the (syntax colored)
> code block and the code.  I noticed this in a plantuml block that I use
> to generate inline diagrams.  Exporting to PDF actually yields a PDF
> looking like it contains only the results, but there are errors in the
> '*Org PDF LaTeX Outupt*' buffer, saying that pygmentize misses a lexer
> for plantuml.  Checking the generated LaTeX code indeed shows that the
> code is exported to LaTeX, even though ':exports result' is passed as a
> header argument.


   :exports result
   :exports results



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