
Is it possible to set variables using Org Babel inside screen, which does not 
support ":var" header args? I'd actually lke a double-nested screen over ssh, 
and the ability to re-use Babel code blocks under different headings, using 
header args or PROPERTIES to change variables. That is, something like:

* Setup
:FOO: default
:BAR: one
:header-args:screen+: :cmd /bin/bash :session (org-macro--get-property "FOO" "")

#+NAME: setup
#+BEGIN_SRC screen
if [[ ! $(hostname) =~ "host"* ]]; then ssh host; fi
# eval <<inject_vars>> ??
echo $FOO

Should print out "one" (the default setting under Setup) in the screen terminal.

:FOO: two

#+BEGIN_SRC screen

Should print out "two" (the sub-heding adjusted property) in the screen 

I'm OK with not being able to inject arbitrary variables, only the ~10 or so 
that I need to be able to set, and having a code block that has these 10 
hard-coded on the LHS, but with some <<noweb>> or something on the RHS so that 
they value of the variable can be controlled using PROPERTIES under headings 
(better yet, header-args, but I don't think that is possible).  

That's the behavior I'm after, but am having trouble. I thought something like:

#+NAME: get-prop
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :var prop="FOO" :noweb yes
(org-macro--get-property prop "")

#+NAME: inject_vars
#+BEGIN_SRC shell :noweb yes
# echo <<get-prop(prop="FOO")>> # testing
echo export FOO=<<get-prop(prop="FOO")>>
echo export BAR=<<get-prop(prop="BAR")>>
echo export BAZ=<<get-prop(prop="BAZ")>>

#+BEGIN_SRC screen
echo $FOO

might work, but it's just printing nil.

Thanks for any suggestions,


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