On 25/02/2023 01:33, Ken Mankoff wrote:
Subject: [PATCH] lisp/ob-screen.el: Support ~:var~ header args for babel

Thank you for the patch. I suppose, suggestion to send patches as attachments is added mostly to prevent patches inside HTML message body. If a message could be feed to "git am" then it should be OK.

I am unsure if Org markup is suitable for commit messages (~:var~) since it may appear in Emacs commit logs.

+++ b/lisp/ob-screen.el
+(defun org-babel-variable-assignments:screen (params)
+  "Return list of shell statements assigning the block's variables."
+  ;; From ob-shell but change function name from ":shell" to ":screen"
+       (if (string-suffix-p "bash" shell-file-name)
+          (org-babel--variable-assignments:bash

The code still depends on on ob-shell. Is there a reason why calling `org-babel-variable-assignments:shell' is a worse variant than copy of the whole function body?

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