
I have a file s.org in ./ (current directory), which includes
another file s0.org living under ./media/s/:


#+TITLE: s
#+INCLUDE: "./media/s/s0.org"


* s0
** s01

I want the org export to html to treat the file: paths in
./media/s/s0.org with respect to the directory of the ./s.org
file. In other words, I want export NOT TO TOUCH the file: paths
as written included files and effectively just paste the text of
s0.org verbatim in s.org (basically similar to what #include
directive in C preprocessor would do, e.g.). As of now, the above
s.org exports to s.html which has the file: link converted to


I want that link to instead become


which used to be the default behavior in a previous version of Org
mode (I don't recall which one). Is there a flag that could be
passed to #+INCLUDE: to change the 'relativeness' of the link
treatment when it comes to #+INCLUDE: directives?

I see in ox.el,

(defun org-export-expand-include-keyword (&optional included dir
  "Expand every include keyword in buffer.
Optional argument INCLUDED is a list of included file names along
with their line restriction, when appropriate.  It is used to
avoid infinite recursion.  Optional argument DIR is the current
working directory.  It is used to properly resolve relative
paths.  Optional argument FOOTNOTES is a hash-table used for
storing and resolving footnotes.  It is created automatically."

Is this DIR what's needed (to be given to #+INCLUDE: with a flag)
to change the link translation behavior?

Org mode version 9.4.4 (release_9.4.4)
GNU Emacs 27.2


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