Hello Ihor,

>> I guess we might add an option to tell Org which separator to use when
>> parsing output when :results table header argument is provided (see 16.6
>> Results of Evaluation section of Org manual). However, you can achieve
>> the same now, using :post header argument, replacing the separators with
>> something Org can understand.

Thanks again for the suggestion, after giving your solution more thoughts, I 
achieve the desired output. 

# file test.csv
# 123;0;123

#+NAME: specific-delim
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :var tbl="" delim=";"
(format "|%s"  (replace-regexp-in-string delim  "|" tbl))

#+RESULTS: specific-delim
: |

#+begin_src awk :in-file test.csv :cmd-line -F ";" :post 
specific-delim(*this*,";") :results raw
 {print $0}

| 123 | 0 | 123 |

Best regards,

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