On Thursday, 2 March 2023 20:00:14 CET Bruno Barbier wrote:
> Hi Chris,
> chris <inkbottle...@gmail.com> writes:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > ```
> > hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello 
> > hello 
> > hello hello      \(\text {hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello}\)
> > ```
> >
> > If you put the above text in a org file, and activate `visual-line-mode` 
> > and 
> > `org-latex-preview`, depending on the length of the initial part of the 
> > text, 
> > the generated png/svg image from latex expression can be displayed in full, 
> > partially hidden or totally hidden.
> >
> I'm observing the same behavior.
> The preview is not always fully visible.  But, after adding some text
> (at least one space after the preview), Emacs wraps as needed, so that
> the preview remains visible. 

That is a very nice workaround.

> Emacs is just not wrapping correctly in
> that edge case, where there is nothing at all after the latex preview.
> The behavior looks the same using only text-mode (without using org).
> You should probably report this as an Emacs bug (see M-x
> report-emacs-bug).

What command for latex preview in text mode? (I'll probably figure that out.)

Yes, I should definitely report that bug.

Thanks a lot,

> Bruno

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