On 07/04/2023 11:40, Samuel Wales wrote:

On 4/6/23, Max Nikulin wrote:
Samuel, in your case, it is your requirement to have non-distracting
single-click capture.

... but one icon for prose/filling and one for lines/nonfilling would
be great for me.  or even the existing single icon for whichever one i
use most, with a right-click menu for other options.   maybe other

An extension can not add 2 buttons. It may define context menu for right click or it may open a popup with menu (implemented as an HTML page) on simple (left) click.

Till it is not implemented you may use an org-protocol handler that displays menu from e.g. a shell script:

printf 'Prose\nCode\n' |
    zenity --list --title "Capture template" \
        --text "Capture type" --column Template


zenity --question --title "Capture template" --text "Capture type" \
    --ok-label Prose --cancel-label Code

A workaround is to define 2 capture template: for prose text and for
code. Browser extension should not add template=x query parameter to

i am guessing you mean s/should not/should/ here?

If template is not passed then script can just append &template=x to the URI, otherwise it may call e.g. sed to replace existing parameter.

      %(insert (shell-command-to-string "xclip -t text/html -o | pandoc
-f html -t org -"))

i selected one line and it printed that line.  i selected your above
lines and got Error: target text/html not available.

Select some text on a web page in Firefox (or similar application supporting rich text copy, e.g. libreoffice writer) and try

    xclip -t TARGETS -o

I have realized that `insert' should not be added to template, the code above is more suitable for evaluation by M-:

Next revision (with escaped quote characters)

"* %:description

%(shell-command-to-string \"xclip -t text/html -o | pandoc -f html -t org -\")

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