On 05/04/2023 02:41, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
IMHO, it would make more sense if Pandoc had a toggle to treat captions
differently. As an alternative.

printf '![Alt](file.jpg "title")\n' |
    pandoc -f org -t markdown_strict

disables generation of <figcaption>.

I think, it is unlikely that users with mobile devices (touchscreen only) have chance to notice title attribute. The only site where I check image titles is https://xkcd.com/1179/ . Alt text describes image for those who do not see image while caption should be apparent for those who see it.

I believe that it is Org bug that it places caption as title, but there is no better alternatives besides HTML. Duplicating caption as alt text, as pandoc does, is a bug as well.

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