stardiviner <> writes:

> I have Emacs Org mode config like bellowing to auto evaluate inline src
> block when Org headline cycle expanded.
> ...
> Here is the testing Org content:
> ...
> When I press Tab key to expand upper headline. I check the inline src block
> session buffer, here is the output:
> #+begin_example
> bash-5.2$ bash-5.2$ PROMPT_COMMAND=;PS1="org_babel_sh_prompt> ";PS2=
> org_babel_sh_prompt> echo
> 'ob_comint_async_shell_start_d1cc7563-be0c-4ed0-a4c2-d1b545333983'
> mpv "枕刀歌/《枕刀歌》SE05 江海阔 歌谣哼唱.mp4"
> echo 'ob_comint_async_shell_end_d1cc7563-be0c-4ed0-a4c2-d1b545333983'
> ob_comint_async_shell_start_d1cc7563-be0c-4ed0-a4c2-d1b545333983
> org_babel_sh_prompt> =[input] No key binding found for key 'c'.
> ...
> Resuming playback. This behavior can be disabled with --no-resume-playback.
>      Video --vid=1 (*) (h264 1920x1080 25.000fps)
>  (+) Audio --aid=1 (*) (aac 2ch 48000Hz)
> AO: [coreaudio] 48000Hz stereo 2ch floatp
> Mute: yes
>   C-c C-c>
> Saving state.
> Exiting... (Quit)
> org_babel_sh_prompt> echo $SHELL
> /bin/zsh
> org_babel_sh_prompt>
> #+end_example

It looks like mpv command is running.

> ...
> But I failed to execute mpv command:
> #+begin_src org
> Test src_sh{mpv "枕刀歌/《枕刀歌》SE05 江海阔 歌谣哼唱.mp4"}
> #+end_src

May you elaborate what you mean by "failed"?

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode contributor,
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