Ihor Radchenko <yanta...@posteo.net> writes:

> "Christopher M. Miles" <numbch...@gmail.com> writes:
>> So currently ob-shell.el is async sending command into session buffer
>> without waiting for command to be finished.
>> I checked out the ob-shell.el source code. I suppose this is the core
>> part of the problem. From intuitive view, session async evaluation
>> indeed should not wait for command to be finished. But still feel a
>> little weird.
> The core of the problem is in how Emacs comint is sending multiline
> input. My earlier example with M-x shell also demonstrates what is
> penning. comint.el basically simulates user input verbatim, as if you
> typed the whole thing symbol by symbol, including newlines.
> And it makes total sense as long as you are actually typing things
> interactively in the comint buffer.
> ob-shell :session in this case gets a bit weird. On one hand, it
> faithfully simulates interactive session. On the other hand, it does not
> feel fully interactive from user perspective, as you send a bunch of
> commands together within a single source block.
> One way to avoid the situations like with mpv could be packing the whole
> code block into script and then sending that script to comint session
> buffer. But then people who would like to actually switch to that buffer
> and work with it manually will get confused about what is going on
> there. (see `org-babel-switch-to-session' and
> `org-babel-switch-to-session-with-code').
>> If this :stdin interesting idea works, maybe other similar ideas will too.🙋
>> For examples:
>> - Wrap command "mpv" with a shell function which disable accepting 
>> interactive input.
> Is there such a function? For all possible POSIX shells?
>> - Setting shell or environment variable in :prolog for source block to 
>> preventing interactive input.
> Again, do you know how to do this?

I tested with bash and wrap mpv into a function. The :prolog way is not
working too. Seems those workaround tries can't get around the
essential problem. I'm too naive....


[ stardiviner ]
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