Bernt Hansen <> writes:

> (who has been away from the org-mode mailing list for way too many years...)

Welcome back. Your GTD config got me started with Org years back :)

> I'm not sure I fully understand your question.
> You are looking for an org-mode export to markdown?  Isn't that already 
> included in recent org versions?
> C-c C-e C-s m M

Markdown is not a single standard. There are several variations of the
syntax. See

We support the most basic "vanilla" markdown in ox-md.el. But Github
uses its own flavour, which we do not export to. In particular, vanilla
markdown allow direct HTML fragments, which are disabled in
GitHub/Reddit/many other websites for security reasons. Instead, they
invent new markdown constructs that are explicitly supported. But there
are numerous Markdown syntax extensions - it is hard to support them
unless we have a dedicated maintainer.

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode contributor,
Learn more about Org mode at <>.
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