Andrea Lazzarini <> writes:

> I am writing to you because I have recently published a simple package called
> org-footnote-assistant [],
> which aims at improving the overall functionality and user experience of 
> footnotes
> within Org Mode.

Thanks for your interest to contribute to Org mode!

> The current management of footnotes has certain limitations that can sometimes
> hinder the overall user experience. One major limitation is the limited inline
> viewing of footnotes, which makes it challenging to review and modify footnote
> content precisely and without disrupting the workflow.
> Org-footnote-assistant addresses the limitations of inline viewing of 
> footnotes
> by using an indirect buffer.

I am not sure if indirect buffer is the right approach for _previews_.
It is more common in Emacs to either use eldoc or tooltips.
You may use
as reference about eldoc.

> The package also provides commands for easy
> navigation between footnote references, enabling quick jumps to the next or
> previous reference.

This sounds like something we can extend `org-forward-element' and
`org-backward-element' with - it may not only jump to the next element,
but also jump to the next element of the same type. Jumping to next/previous
footnote might will useful as a separate command as well though, as a
complement to the existing `org-next-item', `org-next-link',
`org-next-block', etc.

"Footnote Editing Window" sounds like a duplicate of the existing C-c '
functionality (`org-edit-special').

"Customized Footnote Definition Jumping" does not sound too different
from editing window. May you elaborate why it is useful?

I am not sure if I understand what "Enhanced Footnote Reference
Searching" does from its description.

"Eeasier Footnote Deletion": How is it different from `org-footnote-delete'?

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode contributor,
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