
Uwe Brauer <o...@mat.ucm.es> writes:

> A solution is to put 0 in colum 4, but for some reasons which are a
> complicated to explain, I want to avoid that.
> | Name  | Exam1 | Exam2 | Exercises | Ex1_Ex2 | Total |
> |-------+-------+-------+-----------+---------+-------|
> | Smith |   5.9 |  7.90 |         0 |    5.81 |   5.8 |
> #+TBLFM: $6=if("$2" == "nan", string("NP"), 0.65*$2+0.25*$3+$4); E f-1
> Any idea how to deal with the situation?

Maybe this formula?

    #+TBLFM: $6=if("$2" == "nan", string("NP"), 0.65*$2+0.25*$3+ if("$4" == 
"nan", 0, $4)); E f-1



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