Ah thanks for the info, I messed up by only looking at C-h f org-num-mode,
and not looking at customize-group. Thank you :)

On Mon, Jul 17, 2023 at 2:35 AM Ihor Radchenko <yanta...@posteo.net> wrote:

> Ilja Kocken <ikoc...@hawaii.edu> writes:
> > If I have a large org-file with many headings, sometimes it's useful to
> > refer to the heading number that people have commented on in the
> > exported PDF (e.g. for an academic paper). However, when I turn on
> > org-num-mode, this shows a continuous numbering for all the headlines in
> > the file. I have many headings that are not included in my LaTeX export
> > for one reason or another, so the heading numbers don't match.
> >
> > Ideally org-num-mode would not add a number to headings with:
> > * COMMENT heading
> > * heading :nolatex:
> >
> > and perhaps based on whether the ox-extras ignore-headlines is activated
> or not:
> > * heading :ignore:
> See `org-num-skip-commented', `org-num-skip-tags', and generally "Org
> Num" staff in M-x customize-group <RET> org-appearance <RET>
> Canceled.
> --
> Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
> Org mode contributor,
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