Jonathan Gregory <> writes:

> On 22 Jul 2023, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
>> I guess I do not fully understand what your patch is trying to 
>> achieve. I thought that the patch would make it not necessary to 
>> write some extra boilerplate code, like \version or specifying 
>> the page size.
> The purpose of the patch was to fix the problem described in 
> I wasn't trying to 
> introduce anything new.

Ok. That fix has been already installed.

The other patch for ob-lilypond itself does not appear to be necessary.
I though that you are trying to extend ob-lilypond in that patch. If
not, I still do not understand its purpose. I assume that it should be

> Anyway, I can add version and paper settings as well, but those 
> are user settings and I'm not sure that hard-coding them is a good 
> idea. What I don't like is having to repeat <<version-and-paper>> 
> everywhere. Is there a way of telling org-mode to insert a noweb 
> reference from the header? Something like:
> #+PROPERTY: header-args:lilypond :prepend <<version-and-paper>>

There is :prologue standard header argument. However, it is currently
not supported by ob-lilypond. (which is a bug)

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode contributor,
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