Bastien writes:

> Yes, this is also what the French national printing press ("Imprimerie
> nationale"), which is quite authoritative in this matter, recommends.
> Note that the Full recommendation of the Imprimerie nationale is to
> repeat second-level quotation marks at the beginning and of each line
> when the text spans over several lines, like this:
>   Then X reported : « This is what Y said : « Here is
>   « a quotation with a paragraph spaning over several
>   « lines, with each line starting with a quotation mark
>   « until the end of the quotation. » 
> (The unique » at the end is intentional, the rule is to not repeat.)

I've been looking at the babel-french documentation (LaTeX)
which claims to be based on "Lexique des règles typographiques en usage
à l’Imprimerie Nationale, troisième édition (1994)"; p. 3 is about
quotation marks and the different options:

with all engines: the inner quotation is surrounded by double quotes
(“texte”) unless option InnerGuillSingle=true, then a) the inner
quotation is printed as ‹ texte › and b) if the inner quotation spreads
over more than one paragraph, every paragraph included in the inner
quotation starts with a ‹ or a › or nothing, depending on option
EveryParGuill=open (default) or =close or =none.

with LuaTeX based engines, it is possible to add a French opening or
closing guillemet (« or ») at the beginning of every line of the inner
quotation using option EveryLineGuill=open or =close; note that with any
of these options, the inner quotation is surrounded by French guillemets
(« and ») regardless option InnerGuillSingle; the default is
EveryLineGuill=none so that \frquote{} behaves as with non-LuaTeX

I have tried this example with quotes per line:

In any case (apart from LaTeX), it is clear that I was wrong when I said
that the inner quotes that my patch 'corrects' were 'incorrect'. What I
don't know is why babel-french defaults to the « “inner” » style. Is it
the most used currently in France? If the « « inner » » style is more
canonical, I don't mind having my patch 'fix' reverted.

Juan Manuel Macías

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