Hi Oscar,

Óscar Fuentes <o...@wanadoo.es> writes:

> Right now I'm using Trac (a bug tracker and wiki combo) for bug tracking
> and project documentation on my personal projects.
> Looking at org-mode it seems a superb system for a this task, at least
> for one-person projects:
>  * Plain text.
>  * No server required.
>  * Can be stored on the same VCS than the source code.
>  * Great for working off-line.
>  * Features such as time tracking and others that Trac does not support
>    or does badly with plugins.
>  * It's Emacs!

Yes, Org-mode matches perfectly the needs for a personal bug tracker.

I use Org for all my tasks and software bugs are just a subset of them.
Or maybe using Org makes me think of "repair the washing machine" as a
bug?  In both case, Org greatly helps tracking stuff.

> The only downside is the lack of a referenced wiki system: simple links
> to revisions (r1010) tickets (#245) etc.

I guess simple revisions can be emulated with notes: C-c C-z
But revisions themselves are not linkable then.

Or a revision can be a new subtree in this task?  Then this 
revision can have its own ID (check org-id.el in contrib/) 
and you can link to the revision.  But that's perhaps too
much structure for bug.

> Any reasons why this is not a good idea?

Not a single one :)

> Any example of a similar org-mode usage?

Maybe have a look at org-mode/ORGWEBPAGE/todo.org - but I guess Carsten
has some other secret todo.org :)


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