On Sat, Sep 02 2023, Ihor Radchenko <yanta...@posteo.net> wrote:

> Lockywolf <for_org-bugs_2023-09...@lockywolf.net> writes:
>> At the moment, ob-maxima has a straightforward way of evaluating
>> babel blocks,
>> #+begin_src shell
>> maxima --very-quiet -r batchload\(\"/tmp/ob-maximaFOOBAR.mac\"\)\$
>> #+end_src
>> (line 87 of ob-maxima.el),
>> I suggest replacing batchload with batch(), and changing line 73 from
>> "gnuplot_close ()$" to       "gnuplot_close ()$ \nquit();"
>> The difference between "batch" and "batchload" is that "batch" can
>> process :lisp expressions in addition to maxima's own, and it prints
>> input/output labels. However, it is possible to customise label printing
>> from maxima's own code, and being able to evaluate :lisp just seems
>> uncontrovercially good.
>> It might be that I am missing something, but batch seems a better fit
>> for Org-Babel.
> May you please explain more about :lisp expressions?

This special syntax is not necessary. A recent change introduced the
function `eval_string_lisp' that removes the need for it. I.e. one can
batchload a file and execute lisp code inside a call to eval_string_lisp.

> Also, what is the benefit/downside of printing input/output labels? Is
> there any chance they will be caught into the source block output? If
> so, it would be a breaking change.

Yes, his requests are breaking changes. That is why I suggested opening
up the internals a bit so that one can alter the behavior while
maintaining the same default.


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