"Tom Alexander" <t...@fizz.buzz> writes:

> Emacs version: 29.1
> Org-mode version: 163bafb43dcc2bc94a2c7ccaa77d3d1dd488f1af
> Found a conflict between the documentation and the parser behavior. The 
> org-mode documentation[1] for description list items says that TAG '[...] 
> does not contain the substring " :: "'
> Using this sample document, I have created a plain list item with a tag that 
> contains that substring by wrapping it in a verbatim block:
> ```
> - =foo :: bar= :: baz
> ```
>    (item
> ...
>         ((1 0 "- " nil nil "=foo :: bar=" 23))
> ...
> It seems that "TAG-TEXT" is not just text but it can include objects and 
> those objects can include the substring " :: ".

It is simpler.
Everything after the bullet and before the last " :: " is considered as
tag. Everything after the last " :: " is description.
Then, tag and description are parsed, allowing objects inside.

org-syntax document is inaccurate here - it says that the _first_ " :: "
is used as tag:description delimiter, not the _last_.

I do not see any benefit changing the current parser. So, we probably
need to update org-syntax document instead.

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode contributor,
Learn more about Org mode at <https://orgmode.org/>.
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