Hi Ihor,

I would’ve liked to join, but that’s 1am (Malaysian time).

Apologies if I missed out on the thread for setting my availability.


Ihor Radchenko <yanta...@posteo.net> writes:

> Dear all,
> The last meetup [1] turned out quite successful. Let’s continue.
> [1] <https://list.orgmode.org/877cq38gdt.fsf@localhost/> (meetup notes)
> URL: <https://bbb.emacsverse.org/b/iho-h7r-qg8-led>
> Time & Date: <2023-09-13 Wed 19:00-21:00>
> The room will be open half an hour before the official start.
> During the meetup, we can:
> - Give advice to new users
> - Showcase Org configs or workflows
> - Demo/discuss interesting packages
> - Troubleshoot each-other’s issues
> - Discuss “Org mode” section of Emacs news (<https://sachachua.com/blog/>)
> - Discuss anything else Org-related
> Everyone is free to join the discussion/chat or lurk around silently,
> listening.
> We will _not_ do any recording by default.

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