note meta <> writes:

> I'm a big fan of org mode. A few years ago, I couldn't find an app that
> supported org mode on my phone, so I created one myself. I hope that
> through my app, I can introduce org mode to more people, even those who are
> not familiar with Emacs. I also hope to make some contributions to org mode.

Contributions benefiting both you and Org mode are certainly welcome.

> Additionally, is it possible to include Metanote in the 'Tools that work
> with Org' section at ?  Metanote website is

Unfortunately, we cannot recommend Metanote on page.

This page, unlike WORG wiki, is the official GNU Org mode web-page.

We, as a GNU project, are obliged to follow FSF guidelines, including
that explicitly prohibit recommending non-Libre software.

Metanote is a closed source, non-Libre software and thus cannot be
recommended by us officially.

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode contributor,
Learn more about Org mode at <>.
Support Org development at <>,
or support my work at <>

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