On 25/09/2023 01:42, Juan Manuel Macías wrote:
According to the pdfx package documentation
(https://www.ctan.org/pkg/pdfx), p. 6 (at the bottom of the page)/7:
Warning: The \jobname.xmpdata file may be included in the main document
source, within a {filecontents*} environment, provided this comes before
the \documentclass command, as follows[...]

Does it mean that with hyperxmp you can not generate documents satisfying some requirements and you need namely pdfx? Is there a reason that .xmpdata files must be generated namely by a LaTeX engine and writing them by elisp code is unacceptable?

For example, the newpax package, to preserve the internal links of a pdf
included in the document, requires putting commands like
\DocumentMetadata{ } before documentclass.

If I understand it correctly, \DocumentMetadata is a switch to enable "new" LaTeX like it was for \documentclass vs. \documentstyle during transition to LaTeX2e from LaTeX 2.09. If so, Org should have native support of \DocumentMetadata, not LATEX_PRE_HEADER or something similar. I have not looked into Timothy's branch, so I am unaware if it is addressed.

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