Hi everybody

My aim is to create workload plans distributing large projects over
several months. These are considered to distribute the
total effort of several projects into monthly, weekly and daily
planing. I cannot figure out how to do this.

Guess I have two projects, both with a deadline at the end of the year,
one project has a time estimate of 100 hours, the second 50 hours:

* Project 1
  :EFFORT: 100:00
  DEADLINE: <2023-12-24>

* Project 2
  :EFFORT: 50:00
  DEADLINE: <2023-12-24>

In order to get them done in time, I would assign a certain workload to
the three months Oct, Nov, Dec. Say, with an unequal distribution:

Project 1:
   Oct: 54 hours
   Nov: 16 hours
   Dec: 30 hours

Project 2:
   Oct: 10 hours
   Nov: 25 hours
   Dec: 15 hours

Now, it is the beginning of the first week of October. I make my weekly
planning and decide to spent 15 hours of this week with Project 1 and 5
with Project two. Today I would want to work on Project 1 for 4 hours, 3
on Project 2. I'm clocking in to Project 1, setting a org-clock-alarm to
remind me when it is time to switch to Project 2: 

* Project 1
  :EFFORT_TOTAL: 100:00
  DEADLINE: <2023-12-24>

* Project 2
  :EFFORT_TOTAL: 50:00
  DEADLINE: <2023-12-24>

Does anybody have an idea how to realize this scenario? Is there a
solution that I overlook? I'm not a elisp programmer and have just
started to use org-clock, but to me the solution seems to involve breaking down 
EFFORT property into several sub-properties as shown above. Of course,
each project has several sub-tasks feeding the EFFORT_TODAY property.

Thanks for help,


Sven Bretfeld
Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies
NTNU Trondheim

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