Paul Stansell <> writes:

> On this page
> it says
> - '!' :: The fields in this line define names for the columns, so that
>   you may refer to a column as '$Tot' instead of '$6'.
> However, when I experimented with this I found that the first of the
> following two tables works (i.e. the empty cells are filled in
> correctly), but the second doesn't (the only difference is the
> replacement of $4 with $c3 in the second table):
> ...
> Is this a bug?

In the earlier section,
we do explain this caveat:

"The left-hand side of a column formula can not be the name of column,
it must be the numeric column reference or ‘$>’."

Thus, I see no reason to amend the manual. (And I hope that we will
remove this restriction after is merged)

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode contributor,
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