<to...@tuxteam.de> writes:

> On Tue, Oct 31, 2023 at 08:58:32PM -0700, David Masterson wrote:
>> yaxp <y...@cock.li> writes:
>> > Hello,
>> >
>> > Which posting style is preferable in this list?
>> >
>> > Top or Bottom.
>> A decades old argument.  Top makes it easier for many mail readers to
>> slice off all the previous thread history (which the reader has in
>> previous messages).  Bottom makes it easier to have thread context in
>> the message,
>> Most Emacs related mailing lists / newsgroups prefer bottom.
> Let me add that top posting, while it might kind-of-work for personal
> mail breaks down spectacularly in mailing lists.
> A mixture of both is worse,of course :-)
> Cheers

Assuming the quoting of previous postings works (above there seems to be
a discrepancy between '>>' and '> >', although Gnus seems to handle
that),  is there some sort of 'bottom-postify' command which would
reorder the quotes?  I occasionally do this by hand if I find the text
makes no sense to me otherwise.


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