On 03/11/2023 07:58, Vikas Rawal wrote:
Earlier version gives me this:
(a,b) & open interval\\\empty
[0,1] & closed interval\\\empty

It was changed to avoid your inconvenience:
Juan Manuel Macías. Re: Line breaks and brackets in LaTeX export. Mon, 17 Oct 2022 18:04:34 +0000

That moment there was no hope that tabularray would support \empty out of the box. Perhaps some stable Linux distribution still have its version unaware of \empty.

(defun org-export-midrule-filter-latex (row backend info)
  (replace-regexp-in-string "\\(<mid>\\([[:blank:]]+\\&\\)+\\)[[:blank:]]\\\\\\\\" "\\\\midrule" row))

Now my \midrule becomes \midrule[0pt].

Sorry, but your have to adjust the pattern and the replacement string to allow either optional \empty or [0pt].

I still do not see a better solution that does not require substantional changes of the org-export framework.

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