On 04/11/2023 04:55, Samuel Wales wrote:
text]] made me think of the need for global custom id in addition to a
file-specific one like this.

Taking into account that there is another active thread on user-global links, I am not going to discuss that feature here.

Human-readable link targets are susceptible to collisions. So ox-latex should support links to particular locations in the specified files, either an Org one or inside external PDF files. Code from ox-html should be adapted for ox-latex.

[[file:test.pdf::#anchor][Another document]]
  -> \href{test.pdf\#anchor}{Another document}

[[file:test.org::#anchor][Another document]]
Either for xr-hyper
 -> Another document \ref{f1-orgabc123}
with \label{orgabc123} in test.tex
or with redefined \label to generate additional \hypertarget
 -> \href{test.pdf\#anchor}{Another document}

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