
I expect the following to return "[[/foobar]]":

  (delay-mode-hooks (org-mode))
  (insert "[[/foobar]]")
  (goto-char (point-min))
  (let ((link (org-element-link-parser)))
    (org-element-link-interpreter link nil)))

Instead, it returns "[[file:/foobar]]".

In hyperdrive.el currently, "[[/foobar]]" and "[[file:/foobar]]" have
different meanings: a link with no protocol prefix, like "[[/foobar]]",
points to a file inside of the same hyperdrive (virtual p2p folder),
whereas a link with the "file" protocol prefix, like "[[file:/foobar]]",
points to a file on the local filesystem:


In org-transclusion.el, org-element-context is used to parse a link, and
then org-element-link-interpreter is used to insert it into a buffer:


The problem is that the "file" protocol prefix is added to links which
have no protocol prefix.  When you call org-transclusion-make-from-link
with point on "[[/foobar]]", org-transclusion.el ends up inserting this:

#+transclude: [[file:/foobar]]

which, at least with hyperdrive.el, doesn't point to the same file as

#+transclude: [[/foobar]]

All suggestions are welcome!

Thank you!!!


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