Richard Stallman <> writes:

> Dependence of various features on Org mode causes problems in two ways:
> * It makes those features hard to use for those that don't use Org mode.
> * It adds the need to learn Org mode to the need to learn Emacs itself.
> Therefore, new features which make sense indepdently of Org mode
> should be usable without Org mode.

This reminds me of "Keep Org mode submodules in Emacs, please!" request:

Similar to jami-bot providing a dbus interface for Jami to interact with
Emacs, Org mode has org-protocol.el providing command line and URL
handler interface that is nearly independent of Org mode itself in its
core function:

;; Usage:
;; ------
;;   1.) Add this to your init file (.emacs probably):
;;       (require 'org-protocol)
;;   3.) Ensure emacs-server is up and running.
;;   4.) Try this from the command line (adjust the URL as needed):
;;       $ emacsclient \
;;   5.) Optionally add custom sub-protocols and handlers:
;;       (setq org-protocol-protocol-alist
;;             '(("my-protocol"
;;                :protocol "my-protocol"
;;                :function my-protocol-handler-function)))
;;       A "sub-protocol" will be found in URLs like this:
;;           org-protocol://sub-protocol?key=val&key2=val2
;; If it works, you can now setup other applications for using this feature.

With org-protocol, one can also make Emacs receive data from browser and
perform any action defined by custom handler function - all fully
configurable and not necessarily related to Org mode.
    17.16.3 The open-source protocol
    ... The open-source handler is designed to help with editing local
    sources when reading a document.. To that effect, you can use a
    bookmark with the following location:

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode contributor,
Learn more about Org mode at <>.
Support Org development at <>,
or support my work at <>

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