---- On Sat, 06 Jan 2024 13:53:28 +0100  Ihor Radchenko  wrote --- 
 > Matt m...@excalamus.com> writes:
 > >  > As a non-native speaker, I have some difficulties understanding
 > >  > "legible" meaning in this context. 
 > >
 > > How does it come across to you?
 > Mostly a confusion between "legible" and "eligible" (I know they have
 > completely different meanings).
 > Also, "legible" is not used as frequently as simple "readable", for
 > example. See "Trends" data in
 > https://www.collinsdictionary.com/us/dictionary/english/legible vs.
 > https://www.collinsdictionary.com/us/dictionary/english/readable
 > So, there are chances that non-native speakers are simply not familiar
 > with the meaning of "legible", making it more likely to confuse with
 > similarly-looking "eligible".

Thanks, I understand.  That makes sense.

 > > What do you mean by "human-readable"?
 > This\_
 > > Readability also means that what's written can be inferred without 
 > > referencing other sources.  It's readable like "apparent, easily 
 > > understood".  I think this is probably what you're thinking of.


Matt Trzcinski
Emacs Org contributor (ob-shell)
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