---- On Sat, 27 Jan 2024 03:20:37 +0100  Ken Mankoff  wrote --- 
 > I'd like to append results from a babel block, but without the leading ":" 
 > that sometimes appears. Is this possible. I'm using v9.7-pre.

AFAIK, the only ways are to use 'raw' or something that wraps the result, like 
:wrap or 'drawer'.  As you observed, using 'raw' will "prepend" the latest 
output because Org doesn't consider the previous output a result.

I'm curious, what broader goal are you trying to achieve?  How does the leading 
":" stop you?

 > Weirdly,
 > :results append drawer
 > Appends result #2, but then inserts all results after the first.
I'm not sure what you mean.  However, trying it, I see bunches of "results-end" 
groups.  I assume this is what you see, too?

#+BEGIN_SRC bash :results append drawer
echo "$(date)"

Sat Jan 27 09:11:21 PM CET 2024
Sat Jan 27 09:11:21 PM CET 2024
Sat Jan 27 09:11:21 PM CET 2024

 > Is this last behavior a bug?

That's a good question.  Skimming the manual, I didn't see mention of it, 
although I may have missed it.  The behavior I see doesn't match my 
expectation.  I would expect to see:

Sat Jan 27 09:11:21 PM CET 2024
Sat Jan 27 09:11:21 PM CET 2024
Sat Jan 27 09:11:21 PM CET 2024

Matt Trzcinski
Emacs Org contributor (ob-shell)
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