Ihor Radchenko writes:

> Juan Manuel Macías <maciasch...@posteo.net> writes:
>>> May you please explain in more detail how these new header arguments fit
>>> into other available LaTeX code block parameters? In particular, when
>>> exporting to .png/.svg/.html or when :imagemagick header argument is 
>>> provided.
>> Sure! `:pdf-process' simply applies a local value to
>> org-latex-pdf-process. It does not affect the export to png in its
>> version without imagemagick process, since this option depends on
>> org-create-formula-image, which in turn depends on
>> org-preview-latex-default-process. It also does not affect the export to
>> html, which depends on org-babel-latex-htlatex. It should work in all
>> other cases, including imagemagick, which ultimately depend on
>> org-latex-pdf-process.
> Would it make sense to make :pdf-process work for png previews as well?

It would be ideal. The expected value for org-latex-pdf-process is a
command or a list of commands, but org-preview-latex-default-process
expects a plist of various processes and parameters. Maybe with some
conditional? If only the png extension is provided (without the
:imagemagick argument), then the expected value is for
org-preview-latex-default-process. In all other cases, the value is for
org-latex-pdf-process. The argument could then be called simply
:process. E.g.:

Assuming the user has somewhere (add-to-list
org-preview-latex-process-alist my-process):

:results file :file foo.png :process 'my-process [or :process '(a plist)]

In other cases, like this:

:imagemagick yes :results file :file foo.png :process '("lualatex -interaction 
nonstopmode -output-directory %o %f")


>> As for `:full-to-pdf' (I don't know if standalone-to-pdf would be a
>> better name), the expected result is a pdf file. Therefore it is
>> incompatible with exporting to png, svg or conversion with imagemagick.
>> For it to work, it is enough to provide these 2 args: ":file foo.pdf
>> :full-to-pdf yes."
> Maybe just :standalone?

Yes, I totally agree.

Best regards,

Juan Manuel 

Juan Manuel Macías -- Composición tipográfica, tratamiento de datos, diseño 
editorial y ortotipografía

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