I have been using the https://github.com/justbur/emacs-which-key for a long 
However, today I took a closer look at this package to see if it has
two features that I've found in 'quick-help' which I really like.

Those two features are:

1. option for popup to be persistent, sticky
It's a lifesaver for every new user to see permanently
available keybindings, as well as for every user who starts
use an unknown package.
'which-key' already has this feature implemented,
variable `which-key-persistent-popup'.

2. option to divide keybindings into groups
For example, with 'which-key' when I press 'C-h',
popup with 50 keybindings will appear on the screen.  
I'm completely overwhelmed by the amount of information.
Making any decision is very tiring and difficult.
Grouping will make it much easier to read and make a decision.
I don't see this functionality in 'which-key' but I found a topic on
with repo link
where this feature has been implemented.

Based on this information, I think it's worth waiting until 'which-key' is 
And then implement the 'divide keybindings into groups' feature.

I'm not familiar with https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/download/keysee.el
But I could try to answer some questions about 'which-key'.

Drew Adams <drew.ad...@oracle.com> writes:

> 1. Doesn't which-key also provide the
> possibility (e.g., on-demand instead of
> by timer) to show all currently available
> bindings at top level, i.e., not on a
> prefix key)?  I thought it had added that
> feature at some point.
> If it doesn't, then that's another big
> difference ("critical", you say) from
> KeySee.

Yes, it's available with command `which-key-show-top-level'.

> 2. As for getting the completions in a
> buffer that you can access "persistently"
> (and, e.g., to search or edit):
> There should be a separate, more general
> feature for that: be able to "save" the
> current contents of `*Completions* (or
> another buffer displaying completions) to
> another buffer, regardless of what that
> completions buffer is showing.
> IOW, this shouldn't be only about _key_
> completions and descriptions as help.
> Icicles provides such a feature (as does
> Embark, IIUC).  Emacs should have it.  Hit
> a key, enter a destination buffer name (or
> just hit RET for a default name).

Yes, you can copy or even edit 'which-key' 'popup'.

> 3. Icicles can also show you complete help
> for key completions shown in *Completions*,
> in *Help*.  And likewise for any other
> kind of completions for which there's a
> help description.
> Showing help for completions is another
> general feature that Emacs should have.

I don't know if 'which-key' has this option.

Sławomir Grochowski

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