Juan Manuel Macías writes:

> Regarding the "optional parameters", there is nothing defined, although
> I think they should be adapted to each backend. A possible use that
> occurs to me:
> &foo[prelatex: [lorem] postlatex: {ipsum} html: style="color:red;"]{blah blah}
> This should produce in LaTeX:
> \foo[lorem]{blah blah}{ipsum}
> and in HTML:
> <span class="foo" style="color:red;">blah blah</span>

Just to add some more ideas about parameters, I can also think of an
"anonymous" variant that only supports "universal" arguments, independent of
the backend and previously defined (and extensible by the user). For

&_[:color red :smallcaps t :lang it :size small]{Lorem ipsum dolor}

Aliases could also be defined for a set of arguments:

#+OPTIONS: inlineblocks:(("myblock" :smallcaps t :color "red" :lang "fr"))

&_[:myblock t]{Lorem ipsum dolor} etc.

==> latex: {\color{red}\scshape\foreignlanguage{french}{Lorem ipsum dolor}}

Universal arguments can also be added to a normal block along with each
backend's own arguments:

&foo[:color red :prelatex [bar]]{lorem ipsum dolor}

==> latex: {\color{red}\foo[bar]{lorem ipsum dolor}}

and, of course, aliases could be combined with single arguments:

&foo[:myblock t :prelatex [bar]]{lorem ipsum dolor}

Juan Manuel Macías -- Composición tipográfica, tratamiento de datos, diseño 
editorial y ortotipografía

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