Ihor Radchenko <yanta...@posteo.net> writes:

> Bruno Barbier <brubar...@gmail.com> writes:
>>> May you please clarify if adding the new code block parameter that
>>> defines custom execute function is something you want to add to Org mode
>>> or just a helper code to demo you main patch?
>> Yes. (I thought about adding it in a separate request;  but that would be
>> simpler to include it.)
> I have doubts about how useful such parameter would be for _users_. It
> is certainly useful for developers of new babel backends, but I do not
> see how users will use it.
> I'd prefer to discuss this in a separate thread.

Sure. I'll keep it for an other thread.

>>> Error buffer does not necessarily appear on failure. When the code leads
>>> to process writing to stderr, we also display error buffer. Even if the
>>> process exits with 0 code.
>> Got it.  The current design adds the popup on failure; I should make it
>> more flexible to allow to configure a popup on success too.
> By popup, do you mean an overlay where clicking on it will raise the
> usual `org-babel-eval-error-notify' buffer?
> If yes, what happens if a user executes a code block, it fails, and the
> user executes it again without looking at the error? (Second execution
> may be triggered from a different place, indirectly, via noweb ref or
> similar).

Current behavior is to remove the error, and, then re-execute: the
previous errors are gone.  My guess is that this could be improve later,
without breaking the API.

>> But if the execution fails, I guess I'll need to provide some feedbacks
>> anyway, but I don't know yet how (asynchronous popups are not an option,
>> modifying the file neither).
> We need something more than just an overlay. Maybe some kind of babel
> execute history (in tabulated-list-mode buffer), keeping information
> about execution stats and stderr data.
> We may provide a mode-line or fringe indicator that will warn user if
> something went wrong with recent executions. Something akin compile-mode
> mode line indicator listing errors and warnings during compilation.

I was thinking about using a fringe indicator, for warnings on success (as I'm
removing all overlays on success).

Keeping a buffer of all asynchronous executions looks like a good idea.
I'll think about it.

> (Handling asynchronous messages is actually a complex topic. It has been
> previously discussed on emacs-devel as well. See
> <https://yhetil.org/emacs-devel/838t59j821....@gnu.org/>)

I'll look at this.  Thanks!

I'll publish a branch soon; it will be a major rewrite of my current
proposal.  It should be less confusing and, I hope, address some of your

Thanks again for your questions and feedbacks,


> -- 
> Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
> Org mode contributor,
> Learn more about Org mode at <https://orgmode.org/>.
> Support Org development at <https://liberapay.com/org-mode>,
> or support my work at <https://liberapay.com/yantar92>

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