
I've noticed that the code for my implementation of the new
'inline-special-block' experimental element is growing. In addition, I
introduce modifications and improvements daily. So I think it might be a
good idea to make my local branch public, in case someone wants to try
it or contribute to the project.

My question is if there is any set of good practices to do this, or is
it enough to publish the local branch 'as is'.

Currently I have completed, and are perfectly usable, the export to
LaTeX and HTML. I have also improved the syntax. Now, if aliases are
used for group optional attributes, it is not necessary to put :alias
foo, but @foo@. Example:

  #+options: inline-special-block-aliases:(("latin" :lang "la" :color blue 
:prelatex "\\itshape " :html "style=\"font-style:italic;\""))

  This is an example of Latin text: &_[@latin@]{lorem ipsum dolor sit amet}.

  This is an example of Latin text with small caps: &_[@latin@ :smallcaps 
t]{lorem ipsum dolor sit amet}.

LaTeX ==>

  This is an example of Latin text: 
{\color{blue}\foreignlanguage{latin}{\itshape lorem ipsum dolor sit amet}}.

  This is an example of Latin text with small caps: 
{\scshape{}\color{blue}\foreignlanguage{latin}{\itshape lorem ipsum dolor sit 

HTML ==>

  This is an example of Latin text: <span style="color:blue;font-style:italic;" 
lang="la">lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</span>.

  This is an example of Latin text with small caps: <span 
style="color:blue;font-variant:small-caps;font-style:italic;" lang="la">lorem 
ipsum dolor sit amet</span>.

Related: https://list.orgmode.org/87ttlyloyr....@posteo.net/

Best regards,

Juan Manuel

Juan Manuel Macías -- Composición tipográfica, tratamiento de datos, diseño 
editorial y ortotipografía




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