On 2024-03-14, 01:17 +0000, William Denton <will...@williamdenton.org> wrote:

> I don't have that problem, if I understand your description right, but like 
> you Ihor's tweak didn't get things back to normal for me.  I'm now using 
> Emacs from the development tree and its Org (which doesn't yet have commit 
> 5d186b499dde97f5 from 25 February) and it's back to normal for now.

Hello William,

I haven't tried to revert to it yet, but I guess it was in fact after the 
commit/date you mentioned when I started noticing this behavior.

> Could it be something our systems or configurations have in common, Bruno?  
> My Org configuration is here, if you want to compare:
> https://github.com/wdenton/.emacs.d/blob/master/init.org#org

I looked into your config and couldn't spot anything special we have in common. 
I have these settings in my config regarding org fold and fontify:

(setq org-fold-catch-invisible-edits     'smart  ;; default is 'smart
      org-fontify-done-headline          t       ;; default is t
      org-fontify-quote-and-verse-blocks t       ;; default is nil
      org-fontify-whole-heading-line     t)      ;; default is nil

However I get the slow-down in a clean init.el with just `(straight-use-package 



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